Archive for the 'Linux' Category

LVM, where have you been all our lives?!

Wednesday, March 2nd, 2011

To answer the title, it seems it’s been floating around in the upper levels of IT industry for awhile, and finally it’s trickling down into home user space. Has anyone else played around with Logical Volume Management? This is amazing! LVM completely obsolesces so many partition/volume/RAID/device headaches. Despite it being a RedHat technology, I’m working with it now in Ubuntu, and it’s still incredibly easy. Check it out:

I just glued together two external USB drives as a logical storage pool (called a LVG in the LVM lingo) from which I can now create, delete, and resize volumes, and dynamically, no less!  We’ll see how easy it is to administer from here on out….

If you’re wondering why I tagged you, it’s because you fall into at least two of the following categories:

a)  You use some POSIX-ish OS

b)  Acronyms don’t scare you

c)  You personally could take advantage of this technology most likely

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