Digital Logic Design

This page contains posts, links, and other information related to digital logic design, especially the course CDA3201(L) as offered by the University of South Florida.

TTL datasheet links

Software tools

  • Logisim: Logical simulator, available for Linux, OS X, and any other operating system that supports Java. Free software (GPL).
  • Digital Works: You can use this in lab on the computers with a current license. You can also use this if you prefer it to Logisim. Non-free software.
  • Dia: Diagram editor. Free software (GPL).
  • …For more recommended general purpose tools, please check here.


Other resources

  • Logic lab reportĀ template.
  • Logic diagramming template (in OpenDocument format).
  • Template with blank KMaps and truth tables (also OpenDocument format).
  • Sample Verilog file containing a sequential even parity generator (T flip-flop).
  • ..if someone wants to contribute a LaTeX template, please do so!